Friday, June 21, 2013



On Thursday, June 13, 2013 Linda did a reading before students, parents and faculty of PS 30 in East Harlem, NYC.  PS 30 was having a special event sharing poems while wearing glasses and Linda was invited to participate by reading Have You Seen My Glasses?

The children were of various ages ranging from perhaps 3 years to 10 years.  Because of the tight schedule as per the Librarian, Ms. Shufeld the reading was amended, but the response of the audience was the same as all the author's previous readings.  The children and parents loved the story about Lucy Duck, her friends and her adorable baby duckling girl, Rainbow.

Linda engaged the children with questions throughout her story-telling.  Most of the children were fascinated with the repeated question Have You Seen My Glasses?; and equally as fascinated with their discovery.  The parents were intrigued with the modern day gadgets used by the characters in this delightful children fable, which was a reason Linda chose that vehicle to teach her young audience the values of sharing, caring and sacrifices of friendship as demonstrated by the farm animals in Have You Seen My Glasses?

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