Sunday, April 14, 2013


By Linda Maricheau

Lucy’s dream of having a duckling of her own finally comes true after she receives a magical egg from Rainbow Planet.  Much to her amazement and delight she discovers just how special and true her friends are as they come to her aid during the entire time she needs to keep her egg warm.  For example, Henrietta Hen reads to her and Matilda the Cow brings her milk to have with her corn cakes, compliment of Maxx D Raccoon.
During the hatching of this very special egg Lucy is given much needed breaks.  So you might wonder, what happened to Lucy’s magical egg during these times?  Devising ingenuous ways to keep the egg warm and comfy, Lucy’s odd collection of farm friends made and kept their promises, even at the expense of embarrassing themselves and being laughed at.  Maxx D Raccoon not only brings her favorite corn cakes, he also sits on the egg while Lucy goes to Matilda Cow to get milk to have with her corn cake.  At first Lucy is concerned about the possibility of Maxx D eating her egg, after all raccoons eat eggs.  But Maxx promises this egg he will never eat and he keeps his promise.  Then there is the truce, albeit a short one, between Scampi the cat and Frankie the mouse simply due to their loyalty to Lucy. 
Lucy finally hatches her beautiful egg while all her friends stand and watch the great event take place.  Rainbow, is a delightful yellow duckling who has some magical powers of her own.  Later, at her first birthday party celebration everyone learns just how special little Rainbow is, as she is able to change colors with each gift she receives. 
Lucy is very pleased with her special gift from Rainbow Planet and is finally able to be the mother duck she always wanted to be.  And as it relates to the question Have You Seen My Glasses? well, you will just have to read this delightful book to find out.

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