Saturday, May 18, 2013



On Friday, May 17, 2013 Ms. Maricheau did two readings at ABC on 126th Street and Park Avenue in Harlem. 

The first reading was done to mostly 4 and 5 year olds.  They were quite receptive to the author's reading and were actively engaged throughout her story telling.  They responded enthusiastically when asked questions by the author and not in the least bit hesitant to give their opinions on several points during the reading.  For example, when asked what they thought Lucy Duck would name her duckling, they came back with names like Desire and Mary, among others.  And when asked what their favorite part of the story was, they gave a range of answers, but most said they liked the end where the glasses were either missing or were found.  

In addition to the children, the teachers also found the story to be very creative and funny.  They were very impressed with the author's incorporation of modern day technology in the fable.  She explained that she choose to use cell phones and ipads to make the story more fun and real for her young readers.  Important to her also were the caring and friendship demonstrated by the animal friends as they cared for their friend, Lucy Duck during her time of need.

Reading number 2 was given before mostly 4 year olds and a few 3 year olds.  Even though these students were younger and more restless, the author handled the story telling well.  To keep the youngsters focused she moved the story along at a faster pace while also keeping them engaged in the story, by asking questions and giving them lots of opportunities to give their opinions about what would happen next.  When asked what would be the name of the duckling the author was surprised and impressed when several youngsters actually got the name right.  Also, they were able to identify several of the animals in the story.  And as the previous class, their favorite part of the story was the end, when Lucy Duck's friends found their glasses missing.

The author had a question and answer period after the readings.  Several of the children said they wanted to hear the story again and she shared the book with them, allowing them all to look through it before it was time to go.  The teachers also expressed enjoyment of the story and the story telling as well as their appreciation of the reading.

The author donated a copy of Have You Seen My Glasses? to ABC for their library.




Tuesday, May 14, 2013



On Monday, May 13, 2013, Linda was the guest reader at the Kick-Off Literacy Fair where she read her fascinating fable to children at the Harlem Reading Everywhere Week held in the Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem.  

It was fantastic!  The children were thrilled at Linda's storytelling skills and really were quite taken with the story of Lucy Duck, her little magical duckling, Rainbow and all her intriguing farm friends. When asked questions by the author the children were ready with their answers, engaging in a spirited interaction with Linda concerning her children's book Have You Seen My Glasses?  They were fascinated by the antics of would be rapper Maxx D and diva Pinky Pig, two of Lucy's interesting farm friends who volunteered to help her as she hatched her egg.

Linda was also part of a brief press conference along with the other authors present.  Of course she was nervous, this being her first press conference, but she handled it well.  Though the weather was slightly breezy, the sun did shine and it was dry.  Marcus Garvey Park is beautiful and was the perfect place to have the readings as well as the events sponsored by LiteracyINC.